Saturday, October 21, 2006

A New Baby Born!!!

If you're about to have a new baby in your family, you'll want to know something about them. Answer this question.

A new baby is:

a. smelly
b. funny
c. annoying
d. great
e. all of the above

The answer is e, of course!

Babies are wonderful, but they can also wake you up at night. They dribble, spit, and make lots and lots of dirty diapers. They can't talk, walk, or go to the bathroom like you do! Because they need so much care, your mom and dad will be busy making sure the baby gets the rest, food, clean diapers, and love he or she needs.

It can be a lot of fun to have a new baby in the house, but it can be tiring, too. You might love the baby right from the start. But it's also OK if you miss the way things were before the baby came. If you feel left out or need some attention, tell your mom or dad. Also be sure to tell a parent if you're having trouble getting your homework done or you're not getting enough sleep.

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